About This Game The Power to Manipulate RealityThe Struggle Between Two Worlds and Their Plagued Co-ExistenceA Political Battle On The Verge Of RevolutionA Mysterious String Of Murders, Claiming Family and FriendsAt The Heart of It All -- Is YouA wave of murder and suicide has been hitting the country, all under circumstances more than mysterious. You play as one of the "Lucky Two", winners of a contest who have the honor of touring with an international pop idol. But as you arrive in Tokyo for the launch of this world tour, events quickly escalate. You have no choice but to delve deeper into dangerous territory -- all in the name of uncovering the truth of these enigmatic deaths. A truth that involves the dissonant connection to another world; and the inhabitants within who seek salvation. You are The Savior -- and it is your job to deliver a brighter future to this world.Features:Length Of Several Novels 30 Characters to Interact WithForge Friendships With An In-Depth Affection System SMS System: Send and Receive Text Messages To/From Characters Many Choices Leading to Different ExperiencesMultiple EndingsSteam Trading Cards Controller SupportSteam AchievementsSteam Link and Steam Overlay Support 6d5b4406ea Title: Major\MinorGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, SimulationDeveloper:Tall Tail StudiosPublisher:Tall Tail StudiosRelease Date: Oct 2016 Free Download Major\Minor .zip major minor joke. major minor notes. мажор сериал дата выхода. major minor key signatures. major minor notation. major minor music club. major serial ruski. major minor and version. major minor intervals worksheet. major minor units excel. major minor in college. windows major minor version numbers. major minor device number. major minor key music. major policiji serial. major minor key signature worksheet. major american serial killers. major minor junctions. major minor music project. major minor scales guitar. unsupported major.minor version 49.0 java error. major minor number. major minor minerals. major minor patch regex. major minor emergency release. apk major uf advising. major minor macro. major serial russian. major minor hockey league. major minor honours. ucsb major minor numbers. major minor groove base pair. major serial hindi mai. iso major minor findings. major minor love rhye. mac major minor lipglass. major minor calyx. major minor utm. major minor thread diameters. major minor optika. major minor linux. major serial dikhao. major minor york university. jira major minor. major/minor game download. major minor scales. major minor qualifier. unsupported major.minor version jar. windows major minor build. major minor version patch. major minor error in java. windows 7 major minor version number. major minor bite times. major minor macewan. major minor pentatonic scale chart. major minor in resume. windows major minor version list. major minor roman numerals. unsupported major.minor version ant. minor bangaram serial. major serial rus. unsupported major.minor version in eclipse. major minor groove dna. major minor 7th chord chart. major minor operation. major minor key signature flashcards. major minor dota 2. major minor patch versioning. major minor key equivalents. major minor zeiten jagd. major us serial killers This game is a generic visual novel and has some gripes about it, for starters the way they set it up for controls is baffling where as most VNs have the controls easily used with the mouse (Right click to open menu\/hide text, left to continue story) they seemed to have not added this feature in. The F4 to switch between fullscreen and windowed mode is not saved between sessions, and the story thus far felt fairly short. The fact the story is not finished is an additional point against the game. They need to work on more emotions for the stills, as during a scene people discussing the death of a character (though I would say that putting yourself in the game is a bad move) is offput by the characters all having mile wide grins. Some of the claims like the SMS system and going on Dates is not put in yet. And it is definitely not the length of several novels at this point in time. Wait for the game to be finished if it ever is.. So, I've played this for a bit more an hour and probably will never play it again. Here's the reason why:First the positive points that goes for this game:- Nice drawings of the characters, all look good- Musik does fit the context of the text- ... nothing else that I can say.Now, it would be better to not to call this a game, it is a visual novel. It does claim it and does fulfill that.But it also claims to be inspired by greats like Steins;Gate, Tales of Symphonia and Persona 4. Biggest and most devestating problem with all that is while Steins;Gate is a visual novel, Tales of Symphonia and Persona 4 are games. While the stories of the later two are good, they are reinforced and made great through play, interaction. Major\/Minor tries to use those stories as a kind of template as a visual novel.From what I could bear of the whole story it felt like, those stories mashed together and then put into the mechanics of Steins;Gate. It felt like a parody of the very enjoyable stories of those two games. Much of the narrative is bland. It mostly works as a info dump. The thoughts of the character you play as is undistinguishable from the narrative. No person that has a personality thinks like that. The reader\/player is a puppet master that directs the puppets down the path he\/she wants. Those puppets are characters, fully developed characters. Here it felt like I'm looking at cardboard cutouts of stock characters.It may all just be a failing of writing there though as to me, the writing compares to lower-grade mediocore fanfictions. The whole story even starts out making the main character like a Mary Sue. To use fanfiction tags: godlike, AU, OC.It all doesn't blend well together. It might have been that I, myself, had some higher expectations of Major\/Minor and it failed to even come close to the expectations but even with the expectations of it not being engaging, this product would have failed to meet that expectation. It felt insulting to the place this whole plot plays in, Tokyo, Japan.So I would not recommend this game. My reasons are stated above.. Major Disappointment\\Minor Enjoyment: The "Complete" ReviewSo, I'm exploring my profile and I'm looking into the odds and ends to trick it out because I'm a bored loser with no purpose. I start working on my badges because I want more emotes to compensate for the lack of love in my life. I buy a pack of M\\M cards to "complete" the badge, using gems obtained from destroying my access crap, and I get a set of the piiiiiiiiiaaaaaaannnnnk dog\/wolf cards, Klace, and I'm confused as \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665. Apparantly there are two versions of M\\M and I didn't know it. Now, I'm curious as to what was cut and changed...here we go again.Five minutes didn't pass and I'm already\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665off. I'm immediately greeted by this hideous portrait of one of my favorite characters, Reiyo. That one photo with the yumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyum face killed damn near all mystique and likability for me. Oddly enough, almost every character has an introduction photo which is absent in the "complete" version. I'm going to take a guess that complaints were made or there were furry politics (excuse me, I just threw up in my mouth a little) involved causing the \u201ccomplete\u201d elimination, purge if you will, of the photos. No upgrade or improvement...just plain elimination. Lets pretend that this is the only change between the two games. This would mean that the "complete" version is \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing in"complete". Both games suffer from the same issues so if you want more info, go to my review of the "complete" version there but I will say that after playing the "complete" version twice and this once; the story is still flat and not very memorable. There are characters that I "complete"ly forgot about with the added benefit of feeling like I\u2019m missing something. What IS the difference between the two aside from the additional photos? I was so bored I honestly couldn't tell.Whether you are a Triple A or Indy developer, you will get the same treatment from me. Its a good thing that I played M\\M followed by the Winds of Change demo because if I played M\\M followed by the "complete" version; I would be salty as \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665, make accusations of laziness and not giving a \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665, followed by blocking Tall Tail Studios from showing up on my page because I wouldn't want to have my time wasted. This is also priced at $20...you have GOT to be shrooming. I feel like I'm missing a TON of context here aaaaaaaannnnnd I don't care. Unless you are "complete"ly enamored and\/or blind; I feel bad for everyone who played this version, followed by the "complete" edition. I hope that noone paid for this game twice or paid full price for this because Major\\Minor "complete"ly wastes your time.. When I first discovered this game I was a bit surprised to see a blatantly furry game actually for sale on steam. I read the description and didn't think I would want it that bad, but since it was the only truly furry game I had seen on Steam i decided to wishlist it. Then recently I discovered it had profile backgrounds and emotions so I checked those out on the market and realized most were more than the actual game. So i bought it without any real high hopes. So since i expected nothing I was pleasantly surprised by the amazing art and interesting story. I've been interested in parallel universe stuff for a while and I got pretty excited when I realized part way through that its what the game was about.I am a little disappointed with the story not actually being completed yet, but at least the new episodes don't make us pay more so that's nice i guess. I also wish the characters at least had a few more expressions. Seems like so far only the girl at the cafe has more than one. I think its awesome that this is officially on the store and everything. It's gotta be one of, if not the first totally furry game on Steam. Can't wait to see how it turns out, keep up the good work guys!. TL;DR: Save your $20 and read this hilarious blast of a playthrough. I'd pay $20 to read that, and not this mess of a "game".Previous Versions:First VersionSecond VersionThird VersionFourth VersionI don't recommend this game, it is a complete waste of time that only serves to promote the developer.In M\\M's inspiration, Persona 4, you had plenty of choices within the game world, some of which are beneficial in their own right and tie into core aspects of the game. Here? You're shunted into a linear story path with little variation, or even alternative stories to try out for increased content. The extent of your interactivity is advancing in RPG Maker dialogue boxes, for the entire game. So not interactive that there's a pamphlet sized guide on all the choices within. Obviously, this gets very boring after a while, something especially funny considering that the player character is explicitly handed a reality warping power from the outset. It's both lazy to give an ultimate Deus ex Machina power to the main character, and ironic when framed in a visual novel that's isn't very interactive even for them. It baffles me that the developer uses RPG Maker and has no ambition to use much of it besides the dialogue. When others say "the game has potential", I agree, but the developer's clearly not using that potential.The plot? It can be described as Persona 4 with the interesting bits replaced with fur, so you are left with a skeleton version of the "Midnight Murders" plot in urban Japan, from the perspective of a foreigner who got all their knowledge of Japan from other anime and visual novels, and nether bothering to research beyond that. As such, it feels like a theme park mish-mash of Japany things, with furs for basically no reason other than community appeal. It's clearly trying to mime Persona 4 with the basic setting, a magical another world, and a mysterious cataclysm that only you can stop, but completely misses out on the elements that makes that game good.The art? Well... on further reflection, it's actually quite good. The game still doesn't use multiple expressions despite being promised since the start and being "worked on", and the clothing design choices on the female characters are rather questionable, but overall the art is very well executed. It shouldn't suprise you to hear that this was not done by the dev, but by independent artist PawziClawzi. This will be the only positive thing I say about the game.The characters? A good majority of them are self inserts. Like the developer Klace, an -in-universe pop star who somehow gets away with wearing this fetishistic mishmash of an outfit in public. Yes, this is how he looks like in the actual game. He dies early on, but is still a posthumous focus. In fact, nearly everyone else is a self-insert, to the point where you could throw a stone in the world and hit someone's OC. Everyone's played flat, and you'd be hard pressed to really care about others in the world.In essence, this is an uninspired visual novel that isn't good at what visual novels should be good at. It could have been released for free and be ultimately inoffensive, but for $10, are you freaking kidding me? Not even worth it as a joke gift, and once you get over the furry parts, it's not even that good even as a joke. Let's not forget that the developer chose to flag this review and another highly helpful negative review for superficial reasons in an attempt to get Valve to remove them, and tried to cultivate an echo chamber where he could pass off negative reviews as being made by internet trolls and have people believe him. And even after he apologized, the developer chose to passive aggressively insult me behind my back on his Facebook after I made a truce with him. All that and more are recorded in this document.(EDIT: After the review was written, the price jumped up to $20. Jesus.)This game looks good if you are casually observing it, but look any deeper and the cracks show. At least the next game which the developer is publishing looks like an actual game, but since this has been a major stain on his reputation... will it really fare that well?ADDENDUM 1 (04\/10):On further inspection of the characters in the game, it turns out that every single male character in this game and the heavily featured yellow\/purple female wolf, Daz, is someone else's fursona. Yes, seriously. Of the 24 characters planned for or appearing in the game, only 4 - Eclair, Trish, Max, and Jade - are actually original to the game. This may explain their bizarre lack of design unity, seemingly ill-fitting traits (such as Kila's blue fur or Rook's inexplicable green augmentations\/patterns), or how some seem to have characteristics unfitting of their backstories or role in game. They made sense for the fursona, but the developer couldn't figure out how to have them make sense in the game world.Seriously, if you search for a randomly selected character's name on FurAffinity, you will find at least something either related or unrelated to the game that depicts the character and links to the person that owns said character. The few that I couldn't find there have their own accounts on Facebook depicting their characters in some manner. The only purpose of this game, from what I have seen, is to be a vehicle for these self-inserts and the developer's wallet.Despite this, I do not condone harassment of those whose characters are involved in the game. I will not publicly link the accounts of those involved.ADDENDUM 2 (04\/10):I found the game's writing to be very bad and very boring, but this takes the cake:There is a particular scene in Chapter 4 where one of the main characters, Singe, is holding a press conference to reassure safety after Klace's own mysterious death, stipulating that nobody should leave, and promising that he's using hired guards alongside equipment from the Armstrong security corporation to ensure safety. This provokes the hired guard in question, Acheron, to chew Singe out for lining the building with explosives from said security corporation in order to defend the building. Yes, a character who is not supposed to be a villain, deliberately lined the building, filled with many innocent people, with extremely destructive explosives. That is just shameful writing.When I think of Major\\Minor, I now think of defensive explosions.ADDENDUM 3 UPDATE (5\/22)Thanks for making this review a pre-release one by messing around with the release date. And further thanks for rubbing salt into that by telling affected people to delete and remake their review entierly.It wasn't a glitch, it was your change to begin with. Stupid.. I am going to be as spoiler-less as I can be.The first chapter is short, I got through it in one playthrough in roughly 40 minutes. This game is not very well written. The two characters you interact with the most are insufferable \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665s (whether knowingly or not), and the way the protagonist responds to them are entirely unbelievable. The amount of chill the protagonist has is ridiculous. Not only does Kila sell you out as soon as he can, but you're also blamed for an event that is 100% out of your control (a train being delayed); when the train was delayed you could respond to a text sent to you from a person you're supposed to meet at the station, asking when you will arrive. Since the train was delayed, I decided to be honest. The protagonist figuratively nods and says he will explain what happened face-to-face and sends back "I don't know". He never does, and instead just lets him-\/her-self get walked all over by these two "potential friends". The amount of\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665the protagonist is willing to take from people whom he doesn't even know is staggering, especially when the game keeps hammering in that you're supposed to befriend these people.Kila portrayed as a dopey idiot who can't keep things to himself, getting you in trouble on more than one occasion. Rook is just a jerk. All he does is complain and treat both you and Kila like\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 Jade seems to be a somewhat reasonable person, although she has trouble acting like a person (you'll see what I mean by that if you do buy this game). Inumi has one line of dialogue. Eclaire, so far, is the only person who seems like an actual person. A person hopped up on coke, or has bipolar disorder, but a person nonetheless.If I had to describe the writing style of this game, then it would be.. Fanfiction as written by a person whose idea of a personality is taking articles from TVTropes and plastering them all over a character. I sort of doubt we will be seeing any development in terms of character in these upcoming chapters.It gets worse as you progress through the "story". I suppose I should be thankful that chapter 1 is so short. But speaking of the story, there is none. You arrive in Tokyo, you speak to a grand total of 5 people and then the game is over. 42 minutes. The game wants you to keep loading up saves and trying out different choices, but I honestly wasn't too interested in that. If I wanted to hang out with \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665s and probe them in various ways to see how they will demean my pushover of a character next, I'd hang out with my \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 friends in real life thankyouverymuch.Another complaint I have is the fact that there is just one static sprite for each character. You meet 5 characters during your playthrough (Kila, Rook, Jade, Inumi, and Eclaire) and each of them has one, and only one, portrait. Unchanging, each forever staring off to one side. That said, the portraits are very nicely drawn. There are some very minor issues, like the level of detail kind of fades along the edges of the characters, but other than that I have no actual complaints about the quality.I feel sorry for the author and developer of this game. I think that the idea is solid, but the writing is not there yet and the game itself is entirely unfinished. $9 for 42 minutes of gameplay where most of it is spent being talked down to and backstabbed? Eh. I'm not going to presume to tell these people what to do, but this game is clearly not finished. The least they could have done is put it on Early Access or something.EDIT: If you do decide to check the game out anyway, I think you should. $9 is not that steep of a price, and since the game is ridiculously short (averaging between 30 and 80 minutes for one playthrough from what I can see from other reviews) you can easily ask for a refund after.. This game is one of the best and well designed games I ever played, surprisingly the background music in the Ark, made me cry, it made me feel emotional, I've been trying to find that music on YouTube but unfortunately I could find it I'm still searching though, by the way this game made my life faithful, it changed me in a way, a good way, we'll keep up the awesome work Klace hopefully I can friend you, but your friends list is full, for now I'll be here, role playing, chatting and etc. 10\/10 on making this game ^w^. A fun little furry visual novel with some amazing art, and an interactive story. Currently in its infancy, two out of twelve total chapters is currently released, but I see a lot of potential here! Can't wait to see how many ways the story can unfold!Update: Chapter two was released the other day, and the promise of a changing interactive story began to unfold. What really had my attention (caution: Potential spoiler) was the inclusion of the character census, which allowed you diversify the actions your character would make in the future chapters. One of them (though would almost seem redundant to ask if you were the character asking it) would ask you which gender you were, to eliminate the genderless pronouns, i.e "they" when referring to you (It would've made more sense to add this selection at the beginning of the game when naming your character).Other questions would start branches that would have future effects on the story narrative, such as which actions you would take in the coming chapters, based on your character's claimed personality.So far, I was more impressed with this chapter than the previous one, as some more exciting scenes began to show up and the story begins taking some darker turns. Three days left to try out the Moonbase!: Monday morning will be the last chance to try out the Moonbase and provide us with feedback! If you're interested in checking out the early development of our upcoming map and would like to share your ideas for what we should do with it, please click this link to view the instructions:http://steamcommunity.com/app/437610/discussions/7/1457328927831326151/If you have any questions or suggestions that you'd also like to share with the rest of the community, feel free to join our Discord channel! http://discord.gg/ZkhScjJ. NEW FARM MAP! SPECIAL EARLY ACCESS HELMET!: NEW+ Early Access hat customizations for both Humans and Squids+ Inception Helmet customization for Inception Discord Community members+ New Farm Map! Tractors! Chickens! Pigs! Sheep!+ New look for most customization icons on the Customization MenuBALANCE CHANGESUpdate to 4x4 and Moon Rover:-Reduced impact damage vs infantry by ~20%.Update to team balancing:-When moving to a new map, the auto-balancer should do a better job now ensuring that teams are well-balanced.Balance changes to Dynamite:-Damage reduced to 30 per stick, from 35.-Stick explosion radius reduced to 100, from 175.Balance changes to Antimatterizer:-Damage range based on charge % changed to 5-18, from 5-13.-Number of hits based on charge % changed to 3-10, from 6-14.-Minimum charge required in order to fire increased to 30%, from 10%.-Overall, total time spent discharging should go down, and damage at 75%+ charge should go up.-Discharge state is no longer interrupted by effects that prevent firing (eg, handcuffs or optic overloader).IMPROVEMENTS+ Lots of art optimization to multiple mapsKNOWN ISSUES+ Tree missing collision near northern part of Human base+ Tractors can get stuck on fences+ Human Vehicles can launch each other into the air. Squidmas Part 2! NEW GAME MODE!: GREETINGS EARTHLINGS!. Happy Lunar New Year! - XOXO Squids From Space: Our Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day event has begun!. Build v0.1.1 - Changelist: Here are the changes and known issues for Build v0.1.1:Gameplay & Balance: Tank Buster anti-vehicle damage increased Tank Buster anti-personnel damage decreased Freeze Rays range and damage increased Flamethrower max ammo reduced RPG reload time decreased RPG rocket speed increasedTeam Size Balancing has been fixed. Teams can no longer have more than 2 players more than the other team.UI: Bots now appear on the Victory pageSettings: Graphic level settings added Key-rebinding settings added More resolution options!Backend:Crash Reporting has been added! Now we can see how you're breaking our game! <3Known Issues & Bugs: Players may desync with the server. If you see the blue base barrier still up, even though the game has started, hop back out to the Main Menu and rejoin the game. Team Switch bug. There is a small chance that Team Switching may not work. You will end up spawning on your original team, but your own team mates can kill you. Once you respawn, you will end up on the correct team. Full Server UX needs to be added in order to notify you when a server is full. Night map appears VERY dark on Medium settingsGraphic settings may not save correctly when using the preset levels. 'Custom' settings work fine. Client crashes (on-going investigation!). SQUIDS FROM SPACE v0.1 - Changelist: Here are the changes and known issues for Build v0.1:Gameplay & Balance: Players can now fall into manholes Removed ready-up system due to confusion Rubber Chicken hidden somewhere Swapped the Harvester controls so that the Gravitron was now the main control Destroyed fire hydrants and gas pumps now launch players into the air Balance changes for each Tech Level (Squid weapons and Human weapons) across the board, feedback welcomed!Characters, Environment, FX: New Human base layout New Squid base layout 2nd pass on character animations Updated refugee models Updated Squid model Squidlings now ragdoll when their bowl is destroyed Added basketball court Updated some of the weapon models Lots more explosions, fire, and weapon fx across the board Added winning team victory effects Added a night time map Added the ability set the environment on fire with a flamethrowerUI: Icons for tanks and harvesters have been added to the Map/Minimap Map key has been moved to Tab or middle mouse wheel click for keyboard New scoreboard UI layout Added icons for what weapons your team has equipped Added an end-of-round stat screen Added a victory screenStreamer Support: Volume slider now saves it's position correctly More Stream-worthy moments added to in-game combat and finaleKnown Issues & Bugs: Team balancing is working incorrectly. It may not always switch players over to a new team from the last round. When hopping into a squid suit or squidding a human, you may briefly see a camera glitch, and/or the world origin of the map The icons for refugees appearing on the minimap are missing (Fixed in next build) Scrolling beyond the bottom of a menu with the gamepad may cause it to stop working. Need to use the mouse to refocus the menu. (Seems to be fixed in next build, as I CNR) Strange crash that MAY occur at the end of the round after the Victory Screen and before the end of the round. May be hardware related. Spamming more grenades than available is sometimes possible. Notifications for a flag returning to the base may not always play a sound Username font is difficult to read, will be updated in next rev Team weapon icons are difficult to see on the stat page Text is not scaling properly on the loading screen when the resolution is changed Weapons/Powers still need balancing tweaks Crash occurs when attempting to maximize the window while the game loads. We've started a Dev Blog!: We realize that it can seem like some Devs disappear from the face of the planet. Behind the scenes, we are very much hard at work, but can't always release a new build immediately and as often as we would like. Especially, when more time is needed to implement and test larger new features.However, we really don't want to lose communication with all of you who have been following us and waiting patiently for updates. SO! We've started a Dev Blog in hopes to bridge that gap in between each update.Click here to visit it.[new.funbits.com]Thank you for your patience!. Chat and Balance Tweaks Update - Build v0.1.4: Here are the changes and known issues for Build v0.1.4:Gameplay & Balance: Shotgun - Decreased time between shots. Shotgun - Increased damage. Tommy Gun - Increased damage. Tommy Gun - Increased while-firing movement speed. RPG - Increased projectile speed. RPG - Increased projectile range. Frag Grenades - Reduced cooldown to 4 seconds. Grenades (Frag, Tank Buster, TNT) - No longer "cook" when you hold them. Their fuse times are now always consistent once they are thrown, and they will no longer explode in your hand if held for too long. Grenades - Adjusted throw force and arc to be more accurate when aiming and throwing onto different vertical levels Squid Bowls - Now pop off of killed Squid soldier suits with much more force, which should help give them an initial boost of speed to get away from their killer. Squid Bowls - Increased ground friction; Squids bowls now change direction at twice the rate as previously, although they are still fairly clumsy by design. Squid Bowls - Increased air control multiplier. Freeze Ray - Decreased movement speed while firing.New Features: Text chat has been added!New Settings: Disable Chat Profanity Hide Chat Show Own NameKnown Issues & Bugs: AI seems to be taking a break and standing around. Our Chat profanity filter doesn't block everything. AI will sometimes display 'Invalid Player State' after turning into a Squid Bowl. Chat will sometimes appear behind the Map. Chat will fade while typing for more than 10 seconds in chat.. SPOOKTOBER MAPS ARE BACK! Grab those spooky customizations!: SQUIDS FROM SPACE HALLOWEEN UPDATE IS LIVE!
Free Download Major\Minor .zip
Updated: Mar 17, 2020